Arman Nur

I am exhibiting these works to show the world the thoughts of my people, the boundless desire of my people to live peacefully and harmoniously.

I am Arman Nur, a painter-sculptor. I was born in 1971, in Yerevan. For me, art is an innate way of thinking. If a person is born for art, then he is doomed to be a prisoner of that beautiful world for the rest of his life. With my art, I try to bring beauty from my world into an imperfect reality.

For example, the works “Night Nani” and “Day Nari” are shown, where I deify two figures as symbols of night and day, and their work determines the peace or restlessness of the rest of the world.

Acrylic, oil on canvas
80x45cm / 2018
Acrylic, oil on canvas
170x150cm / 2019
“Night Nani”
Acrylic, oil on canvas
120x80cm / 2018
“Day Nari”
Acrylic, oil on canvas
120x80cm / 2018
Acrylic, oil on canvas
120x90cm / 2017